Competition: Berliner Kinder- And Jugendspartakiade
- Rink:
Berlin (GER) - Date:
- 16. - 18.02.1990
- Records:
- Information:
- 203 athletes from 1 nation
- 102 women and 101 men
- 12 distances (1000m, 100m, 1500m, 200m (1. Race), 200m (2. Race), 3000m, 300m, 300m (1. Race), 300m (2. Race), 500m, 500m (1. Race), 500m (2. Race))
- 794 races (9x mit DNF/DNS/DQ)
Women Juniors C2 , Samalog - Allround 300m/1000m/300m/500m 16. - 18.02.1990
Heike Arndt | Mareen Wittmann | Ute Eibich | Steffi Lehmann | Andrea Nave | Dörte Meissner | Yvonne Grabecki | Kathrin Lehmann | Felicitas Dörner | Katrin Jordan | Jana Bielefeld | Jana Kämpfe | Katrin Reuter | Verena Borck | |
+30.45 | -4.09 | +2.52 | +0.24 | +2.48 | +3.42 | +1.55 | +4.22 | +6.24 | +8.29 | +7.83 | +10.58 | +9.83 | ||
-30.45 | -34.55 | -27.93 | -30.21 | -27.97 | -27.03 | -28.90 | -26.23 | -24.21 | -22.16 | -22.62 | -19.87 | -20.62 | ||
+4.09 | +34.55 | +6.61 | +4.34 | +6.58 | +7.52 | +5.64 | +8.31 | +10.34 | +12.39 | +11.93 | +14.68 | +13.93 | ||
-2.52 | +27.93 | -6.61 | -2.28 | -0.03 | +0.91 | -0.97 | +1.70 | +3.72 | +5.78 | +5.31 | +8.06 | +7.31 | ||
-0.24 | +30.21 | -4.34 | +2.28 | +2.24 | +3.18 | +1.31 | +3.97 | +6.00 | +8.05 | +7.59 | +10.34 | +9.59 | ||
-2.48 | +27.97 | -6.58 | +0.03 | -2.24 | +0.94 | -0.94 | +1.73 | +3.76 | +5.81 | +5.35 | +8.10 | +7.35 | ||
-3.42 | +27.03 | -7.52 | -0.91 | -3.18 | -0.94 | -1.88 | +0.79 | +2.82 | +4.87 | +4.41 | +7.16 | +6.41 | ||
-1.55 | +28.90 | -5.64 | +0.97 | -1.31 | +0.94 | +1.88 | +2.67 | +4.69 | +6.75 | +6.28 | +9.03 | +8.28 | ||
-4.22 | +26.23 | -8.31 | -1.70 | -3.97 | -1.73 | -0.79 | -2.67 | +2.03 | +4.08 | +3.62 | +6.37 | +5.62 | ||
-6.24 | +24.21 | -10.34 | -3.72 | -6.00 | -3.76 | -2.82 | -4.69 | -2.03 | +2.05 | +1.59 | +4.34 | +3.59 | ||
-8.29 | +22.16 | -12.39 | -5.78 | -8.05 | -5.81 | -4.87 | -6.75 | -4.08 | -2.05 | -0.46 | +2.29 | +1.54 | ||
-7.83 | +22.62 | -11.93 | -5.31 | -7.59 | -5.35 | -4.41 | -6.28 | -3.62 | -1.59 | +0.46 | +2.75 | +2.00 | ||
-10.58 | +19.87 | -14.68 | -8.06 | -10.34 | -8.10 | -7.16 | -9.03 | -6.37 | -4.34 | -2.29 | -2.75 | -0.75 | ||
-9.83 | +20.62 | -13.93 | -7.31 | -9.59 | -7.35 | -6.41 | -8.28 | -5.62 | -3.59 | -1.54 | -2.00 | +0.75 | ||