Competition: Berliner Meisterschaft AG 14-15
- Rink:
Berlin (GER) - Date:
- 02. - 03.02.2002
- Records:
- 1x National Record Juniors
- 1x Age Group Record C1/C2
- 1x Age Group Record A1/A2
- 11x Personal Best
- 96x Seasonal Best
- Information:
- 92 athletes from 1 nation
- 40 women and 52 men
- 6 distances (1000m, 1500m, 3000m, 500m, 500m (1. Race), 500m (2. Race))
- 253 races (3x mit DNF/DNS/DQ)
Men Out of Competition - 1000 meter 02.02.2002
Patrick Wirth | Samuel Schwarz | Christopher Auweiler | Daniel Fürst | Robin Hammer | Gordan Fischer | Jan Boesten | Christopher Swientek | Kay Schöfisch | Christian Burmann | Sebastian Ehrhardt | David Richter | Christoph Mey | Andreas Holter | Nico Beierle | Sebastian Muggelberg | Christian Krakow | |
-1.76 | -2.58 | -2.97 | -3.40 | -3.50 | -3.68 | -4.57 | -4.89 | -5.57 | -6.57 | -9.43 | -9.60 | -10.62 | -10.94 | -11.70 | -16.64 | ||
+1.76 | -0.82 | -1.21 | -1.64 | -1.74 | -1.92 | -2.81 | -3.13 | -3.81 | -4.81 | -7.67 | -7.84 | -8.86 | -9.18 | -9.94 | -14.88 | ||
+2.58 | +0.82 | -0.39 | -0.82 | -0.92 | -1.10 | -1.99 | -2.31 | -2.99 | -3.99 | -6.85 | -7.02 | -8.04 | -8.36 | -9.12 | -14.06 | ||
+2.97 | +1.21 | +0.39 | -0.43 | -0.53 | -0.71 | -1.60 | -1.92 | -2.60 | -3.60 | -6.46 | -6.63 | -7.65 | -7.97 | -8.73 | -13.67 | ||
+3.40 | +1.64 | +0.82 | +0.43 | -0.10 | -0.28 | -1.17 | -1.49 | -2.17 | -3.17 | -6.03 | -6.20 | -7.22 | -7.54 | -8.30 | -13.24 | ||
+3.50 | +1.74 | +0.92 | +0.53 | +0.10 | -0.18 | -1.07 | -1.39 | -2.07 | -3.07 | -5.93 | -6.10 | -7.12 | -7.44 | -8.20 | -13.14 | ||
+3.68 | +1.92 | +1.10 | +0.71 | +0.28 | +0.18 | -0.89 | -1.21 | -1.89 | -2.89 | -5.75 | -5.92 | -6.94 | -7.26 | -8.02 | -12.96 | ||
+4.57 | +2.81 | +1.99 | +1.60 | +1.17 | +1.07 | +0.89 | -0.32 | -1.00 | -2.00 | -4.86 | -5.03 | -6.05 | -6.37 | -7.13 | -12.07 | ||
+4.89 | +3.13 | +2.31 | +1.92 | +1.49 | +1.39 | +1.21 | +0.32 | -0.68 | -1.68 | -4.54 | -4.71 | -5.73 | -6.05 | -6.81 | -11.75 | ||
+5.57 | +3.81 | +2.99 | +2.60 | +2.17 | +2.07 | +1.89 | +1.00 | +0.68 | -1.00 | -3.86 | -4.03 | -5.05 | -5.37 | -6.13 | -11.07 | ||
+6.57 | +4.81 | +3.99 | +3.60 | +3.17 | +3.07 | +2.89 | +2.00 | +1.68 | +1.00 | -2.86 | -3.03 | -4.05 | -4.37 | -5.13 | -10.07 | ||
+9.43 | +7.67 | +6.85 | +6.46 | +6.03 | +5.93 | +5.75 | +4.86 | +4.54 | +3.86 | +2.86 | -0.17 | -1.19 | -1.51 | -2.27 | -7.21 | ||
+9.60 | +7.84 | +7.02 | +6.63 | +6.20 | +6.10 | +5.92 | +5.03 | +4.71 | +4.03 | +3.03 | +0.17 | -1.02 | -1.34 | -2.10 | -7.04 | ||
+10.62 | +8.86 | +8.04 | +7.65 | +7.22 | +7.12 | +6.94 | +6.05 | +5.73 | +5.05 | +4.05 | +1.19 | +1.02 | -0.32 | -1.08 | -6.02 | ||
+10.94 | +9.18 | +8.36 | +7.97 | +7.54 | +7.44 | +7.26 | +6.37 | +6.05 | +5.37 | +4.37 | +1.51 | +1.34 | +0.32 | -0.76 | -5.70 | ||
+11.70 | +9.94 | +9.12 | +8.73 | +8.30 | +8.20 | +8.02 | +7.13 | +6.81 | +6.13 | +5.13 | +2.27 | +2.10 | +1.08 | +0.76 | -4.94 | ||
+16.64 | +14.88 | +14.06 | +13.67 | +13.24 | +13.14 | +12.96 | +12.07 | +11.75 | +11.07 | +10.07 | +7.21 | +7.04 | +6.02 | +5.70 | +4.94 | ||