Competition: Estonian Championships

Tallin (EST)
15. - 16.02.1946
  • 3 athletes from 1 nation
  • 3 women
  • 3 distances (1000m, 1500m, 500m)
  • 9 races

Text view of the competition results

Estonian Championships
15. - 16.02.1946
Kalevi Keskstaadion - Sports Bane (EST)

Allround (Women), 15. - 16.02.1946

POS   NAME            AG       NAT   500M                 1500M                1000M                POINTS    DIFF   RECORDS   
1     Evi Treufeldt   C2       URS   1:37.00   (1)        5:27.40   (1)   PB   3:10.00   (1)   PB   301.133                    
2     Helgi Hannust   Neo      URS   1:55.30   (2)   PB   -         (2)        -         (2)        -                          
3     Laine Hein      Senior   URS   -         (3)        -         (3)        -         (3)        -                          

Estonian Championships
15. - 16.02.1946
Kalevi Keskstaadion - Sports Bane (EST)

NAME            AG       500M            1000M           1500M           
Helgi Hannust   Neo      1:55.30   (2)             (2)             (2)   
Laine Hein      Senior             (3)             (3)             (3)   
Evi Treufeldt   C2       1:37.00   (1)   3:10.00   (1)   5:27.40   (1)