Competition: 25. Int. Teamsprint-Cup Of Berlin
- Rink:
Berlin (GER) - Date:
- 17. - 18.12.2016
- Records:
- 2x National Record
- 4x National Record Juniors
- 2x Championship Record
- 3x Age Group Record D1/D2
- 5x Age Group Record C1/C2
- 5x Age Group Record B1/B2
- 4x Age Group Record A1/A2
- 77x Personal Best
- 206x Seasonal Best
- Information:
- 216 athletes from 6 nations
- 109 women and 107 men
- 4 distances (1000m, 100m, 300m, 500m)
- 634 races (5x mit DNF/DNS/DQ)
Women Juniors C1 , Samalog - Allround 300m/500m/1000m 17. - 18.12.2016
Sophie Warmuth | Antonia Fiedler | Jevgenija Teresjonok | Olivia Kattner | Lilija Gen | Lara Schneidersmann | Josephine Schlörb | Rosa Eldering | Vivien Zschimmer | Renée Baas | Janice Heimberger | Jenny Sellmann | Mariya Irlina | Evi Gelling | Julia Telesji | Kim van der Werff | |
+13.44.64 | +14.32.04 | +14.32.25 | +14.34.88 | +14.25.59 | +14.37.01 | +14.31.64 | +14.33.04 | +14.37.25 | +14.38.29 | +14.38.48 | +14.38.59 | +14.38.76 | +14.40.57 | +14.41.28 | ||
-13.44.64 | +47.40 | +47.61 | +50.24 | +40.95 | +52.37 | +47.01 | +48.41 | +52.61 | +53.65 | +53.84 | +53.95 | +54.12 | +55.93 | +56.64 | ||
-14.32.04 | -47.40 | +0.21 | +2.83 | -6.45 | +4.97 | -0.40 | +1.00 | +5.21 | +6.25 | +6.44 | +6.55 | +6.72 | +8.53 | +9.24 | ||
-14.32.25 | -47.61 | -0.21 | +2.63 | -6.66 | +4.76 | -0.61 | +0.80 | +5.00 | +6.04 | +6.23 | +6.34 | +6.51 | +8.32 | +9.03 | ||
-14.34.88 | -50.24 | -2.83 | -2.63 | -9.29 | +2.14 | -3.23 | -1.83 | +2.38 | +3.42 | +3.61 | +3.72 | +3.89 | +5.69 | +6.41 | ||
-14.25.59 | -40.95 | +6.45 | +6.66 | +9.29 | +11.42 | +6.06 | +7.46 | +11.66 | +12.70 | +12.89 | +13.00 | +13.17 | +14.98 | +15.69 | ||
-14.37.01 | -52.37 | -4.97 | -4.76 | -2.14 | -11.42 | -5.37 | -3.97 | +0.24 | +1.28 | +1.47 | +1.58 | +1.75 | +3.56 | +4.27 | ||
-14.31.64 | -47.01 | +0.40 | +0.61 | +3.23 | -6.06 | +5.37 | +1.40 | +5.61 | +6.65 | +6.84 | +6.95 | +7.12 | +8.92 | +9.64 | ||
-14.33.04 | -48.41 | -1.00 | -0.80 | +1.83 | -7.46 | +3.97 | -1.40 | +4.20 | +5.25 | +5.44 | +5.55 | +5.72 | +7.52 | +8.23 | ||
-14.37.25 | -52.61 | -5.21 | -5.00 | -2.38 | -11.66 | -0.24 | -5.61 | -4.20 | +1.04 | +1.23 | +1.34 | +1.51 | +3.32 | +4.03 | ||
-14.38.29 | -53.65 | -6.25 | -6.04 | -3.42 | -12.70 | -1.28 | -6.65 | -5.25 | -1.04 | +0.19 | +0.30 | +0.47 | +2.28 | +2.99 | ||
-14.38.48 | -53.84 | -6.44 | -6.23 | -3.61 | -12.89 | -1.47 | -6.84 | -5.44 | -1.23 | -0.19 | +0.11 | +0.28 | +2.09 | +2.80 | ||
-14.38.59 | -53.95 | -6.55 | -6.34 | -3.72 | -13.00 | -1.58 | -6.95 | -5.55 | -1.34 | -0.30 | -0.11 | +0.17 | +1.98 | +2.69 | ||
-14.38.76 | -54.12 | -6.72 | -6.51 | -3.89 | -13.17 | -1.75 | -7.12 | -5.72 | -1.51 | -0.47 | -0.28 | -0.17 | +1.81 | +2.52 | ||
-14.40.57 | -55.93 | -8.53 | -8.32 | -5.69 | -14.98 | -3.56 | -8.92 | -7.52 | -3.32 | -2.28 | -2.09 | -1.98 | -1.81 | +0.71 | ||
-14.41.28 | -56.64 | -9.24 | -9.03 | -6.41 | -15.69 | -4.27 | -9.64 | -8.23 | -4.03 | -2.99 | -2.80 | -2.69 | -2.52 | -0.71 | ||