Competition: Internationaler Städtekampf
- Rink:
Berlin (GER) - Date:
- 27. - 28.02.1971
- Records:
- Information:
- 62 athletes from 10 nations
- 29 women and 33 men
- 5 distances (1000m, 1500m, 3000m, 5000m, 500m)
- 246 races
Women Out of Competition , Samalog - Mini Combination 500m/1500m/1000m/3000m 27. - 28.02.1971
Carry Geijssen | Gré Donker | Kornelia Ihász | Ruth Schleiermacher | Alie Hooyer | Johanna Wittenberg | Beppie te Winkel-Geijssen | Martina Arlt | Marianne.51 Andersson | Berta Kuiper | Nel Koehler | Romana Troicka | Mária Szabó | |
-7.80 | -6.12 | +9.20 | -5.62 | -11.70 | -2.88 | -11.77 | +0.30 | -16.45 | +1.32 | +7.48 | -20.77 | ||
+7.80 | +1.68 | +17.00 | +2.18 | -3.90 | +4.92 | -3.97 | +8.10 | -8.65 | +9.12 | +15.28 | -12.97 | ||
+6.12 | -1.68 | +15.32 | +0.50 | -5.58 | +3.23 | -5.65 | +6.42 | -10.33 | +7.43 | +13.60 | -14.65 | ||
-9.20 | -17.00 | -15.32 | -14.82 | -20.90 | -12.08 | -20.97 | -8.90 | -25.65 | -7.88 | -1.72 | -29.97 | ||
+5.62 | -2.18 | -0.50 | +14.82 | -6.08 | +2.73 | -6.15 | +5.92 | -10.83 | +6.93 | +13.10 | -15.15 | ||
+11.70 | +3.90 | +5.58 | +20.90 | +6.08 | +8.82 | -0.07 | +12.00 | -4.75 | +13.02 | +19.18 | -9.07 | ||
+2.88 | -4.92 | -3.23 | +12.08 | -2.73 | -8.82 | -8.88 | +3.18 | -13.57 | +4.20 | +10.37 | -17.88 | ||
+11.77 | +3.97 | +5.65 | +20.97 | +6.15 | +0.07 | +8.88 | +12.07 | -4.68 | +13.08 | +19.25 | -9.00 | ||
-0.30 | -8.10 | -6.42 | +8.90 | -5.92 | -12.00 | -3.18 | -12.07 | -16.75 | +1.02 | +7.18 | -21.07 | ||
+16.45 | +8.65 | +10.33 | +25.65 | +10.83 | +4.75 | +13.57 | +4.68 | +16.75 | +17.77 | +23.93 | -4.32 | ||
-1.32 | -9.12 | -7.43 | +7.88 | -6.93 | -13.02 | -4.20 | -13.08 | -1.02 | -17.77 | +6.17 | -22.08 | ||
-7.48 | -15.28 | -13.60 | +1.72 | -13.10 | -19.18 | -10.37 | -19.25 | -7.18 | -23.93 | -6.17 | -28.25 | ||
+20.77 | +12.97 | +14.65 | +29.97 | +15.15 | +9.07 | +17.88 | +9.00 | +21.07 | +4.32 | +22.08 | +28.25 | ||