Competition: Landelijke Selectie AEGON NK Sprint

Groningen (NED)
  • 37 athletes from 2 nations
  • 16 women and 21 men
  • 2 distances (1000m, 500m)
  • 74 races

Text view of the competition results

Landelijke Selectie AEGON NK Sprint
Kardinge (NED)

Allround (Men), 09.12.2006

POS   NAME                    AG       NAT   500M              1000M               POINTS   DIFF     RECORDS   
1     Ronald van Slooten      Neo      NED   37.06   (1)       1:13.76   (2)       73.940                      
2     Yuri Solinger           Senior   NED   37.30   (2)       1:13.57   (1)       74.085   +0.145             
3     Coen Wesselman          Neo      NED   37.59   (6)       1:14.58   (4)       74.880   +0.940             
4     Michael Poot            Neo      NED   37.61   (7)       1:14.60   (5)       74.910   +0.970             
5     Rhian Ket               Neo      NED   38.09   (13)      1:13.76   (2)       74.970   +1.030             
6     Michel Mulder           Neo      NED   37.57   (5)       1:14.91   (7)       75.025   +1.085             
7     Ronald Mulder           Neo      NED   37.52   (4)       1:15.09   (8)       75.065   +1.125             
8     Sietse Heslinga         Neo      NED   37.49   (3)       1:15.37   (11)      75.175   +1.235             
9     Guido Berends           Neo      NED   37.63   (8)       1:15.10   (9)       75.180   +1.240             
10    Pim Brusche             Senior   NED   37.81   (10)      1:15.19   (10)      75.405   +1.465             
11    Wouter Borst            Neo      NED   37.80   (9)       1:15.44   (12)      75.520   +1.580             
12    Jan Hessel Boermans     Neo      NED   38.19   (14)      1:14.89   (6)       75.635   +1.695             
13    Arjen Rients Folkerts   Senior   NED   38.01   (12)      1:15.86   (13)      75.940   +2.000             
14    Tim Balvers             Neo      NED   37.85   (11)      1:16.72   (17)      76.210   +2.270             
15    Dennie van Leeuwen      Senior   NED   38.30   (15)      1:16.70   (16)      76.650   +2.710             
16    Jan Bos                 Neo      NED   38.73   (17)      1:15.99   (14)      76.725   +2.785             
17    Bas van Wijk            Neo      NED   38.91   (18)      1:16.02   (15)      76.920   +2.980             
18    Bart Seffinga           Senior   NED   38.94   (19)      1:17.02   (19)      77.450   +3.510             
19    Cees Vink               Neo      NED   38.30   (15)      1:18.30   (21)      77.450   +3.510             
20    Bram Smallenbroek       Neo      NED   39.20   (20)      1:16.97   (18)      77.685   +3.745             
21    Mark van der Weijden    Senior   NED   39.47   (21)      1:17.92   (20)      78.430   +4.490             

Allround (Women), 09.12.2006

POS   NAME                     AG       NAT   500M              1000M                 POINTS   DIFF     RECORDS   
1     Jorien Voorhuis          Neo      NED   41.61   (4)       1:21.32   (1)         82.270                      
2     Sophie Nijman            Neo      NED   41.59   (3)       1:23.04   (2)         83.110   +0.840             
3     Mayke Nagtegaal          Neo      NED   41.36   (1)       1:23.88   (6)         83.300   +1.030             
4     Sanne Delfgou            Neo      NED   41.63   (5)       1:23.92   (7)         83.590   +1.320             
5     Helga Luning             Neo      NED   41.95   (6)       1:23.70   (5)         83.800   +1.530             
6     Annelies van der Ploeg   Senior   NED   42.07   (8)       1:23.50   (3)         83.820   +1.550             
7     Emilie Gale              Senior   NED   41.49   (2)       1:24.74   (10)        83.860   +1.590             
8     Inge van Essen           Neo      NED   41.95   (6)       1:24.83   (11)        84.365   +2.095             
9     Annouk van der Weijden   Neo      NED   42.38   (9)       1:23.99   (8)    SB   84.375   +2.105             
10    Lisanne Soemanta         Neo      NED   42.42   (10)      1:24.66   (9)    SB   84.750   +2.480             
11    Lisette van der Geest    Neo      NED   42.98   (14)      1:23.66   (4)    SB   84.810   +2.540             
12    Carola Kiers             Neo      NED   42.49   (11)      1:24.91   (12)   SB   84.945   +2.675             
13    Yanna van Tol            Neo      NED   42.50   (12)      1:25.62   (13)        85.310   +3.040             
14    Chantal van Marle        Neo      NED   43.38   (15)      1:25.90   (14)        86.330   +4.060             
15    Anice Das                Neo      NED   42.92   (13)      1:26.86   (16)        86.350   +4.080             
16    Froukje.82 de Vries      Senior   NED   43.73   (16)      1:26.26   (15)        86.860   +4.590             

Landelijke Selectie AEGON NK Sprint
Kardinge (NED)

NAME                    AG       500M           1000M            
Yuri Solinger           Senior   37.30   (2)    1:13.57   (1)    
Arjen Rients Folkerts   Senior   38.01   (12)   1:15.86   (13)   
Pim Brusche             Senior   37.81   (10)   1:15.19   (10)   
Michael Poot            Neo      37.61   (7)    1:14.60   (5)    
Wouter Borst            Neo      37.80   (9)    1:15.44   (12)   
Dennie van Leeuwen      Senior   38.30   (15)   1:16.70   (16)   
Rhian Ket               Neo      38.09   (13)   1:13.76   (2)    
Sietse Heslinga         Neo      37.49   (3)    1:15.37   (11)   
Guido Berends           Neo      37.63   (8)    1:15.10   (9)    
Jan Hessel Boermans     Neo      38.19   (14)   1:14.89   (6)    
Bram Smallenbroek       Neo      39.20   (20)   1:16.97   (18)   
Coen Wesselman          Neo      37.59   (6)    1:14.58   (4)    
Michel Mulder           Neo      37.57   (5)    1:14.91   (7)    
Ronald Mulder           Neo      37.52   (4)    1:15.09   (8)    
Jan Bos                 Neo      38.73   (17)   1:15.99   (14)   
Ronald van Slooten      Neo      37.06   (1)    1:13.76   (2)    
Cees Vink               Neo      38.30   (15)   1:18.30   (21)   
Mark van der Weijden    Senior   39.47   (21)   1:17.92   (20)   
Tim Balvers             Neo      37.85   (11)   1:16.72   (17)   
Bas van Wijk            Neo      38.91   (18)   1:16.02   (15)   
Bart Seffinga           Senior   38.94   (19)   1:17.02   (19)   

NAME                     AG       500M           1000M            
Helga Luning             Neo      41.95   (6)    1:23.70   (5)    
Froukje.82 de Vries      Senior   43.73   (16)   1:26.26   (15)   
Lisette van der Geest    Neo      42.98   (14)   1:23.66   (4)    
Lisanne Soemanta         Neo      42.42   (10)   1:24.66   (9)    
Carola Kiers             Neo      42.49   (11)   1:24.91   (12)   
Annelies van der Ploeg   Senior   42.07   (8)    1:23.50   (3)    
Jorien Voorhuis          Neo      41.61   (4)    1:21.32   (1)    
Chantal van Marle        Neo      43.38   (15)   1:25.90   (14)   
Sanne Delfgou            Neo      41.63   (5)    1:23.92   (7)    
Emilie Gale              Senior   41.49   (2)    1:24.74   (10)   
Anice Das                Neo      42.92   (13)   1:26.86   (16)   
Yanna van Tol            Neo      42.50   (12)   1:25.62   (13)   
Annouk van der Weijden   Neo      42.38   (9)    1:23.99   (8)    
Sophie Nijman            Neo      41.59   (3)    1:23.04   (2)    
Inge van Essen           Neo      41.95   (6)    1:24.83   (11)   
Mayke Nagtegaal          Neo      41.36   (1)    1:23.88   (6)