Competition: Latvia - Junior Allround Championships 1940

Rīga (LAT)
  • 19 athletes from 1 nation
  • 2 women and 17 men
  • 3 distances (1500m, 3000m, 500m)
  • 38 races (2x mit DNF/DNS/DQ)

Text view of the competition results

Latvia - Junior Allround Championships 1940
ASK (RDKA - Dinamo- RVR) Stadion (LAT)

Allround (Men), 10.03.1940

POS   NAME                   AG    NAT   500M                  3000M                 POINTS    DIFF      RECORDS   
1     Ferdinands Felsbergs   A2    LAT   50.90     (1)         5:45.40   (2)         108.466                       
2     Arnolds Krastins       A2    LAT   51.10     (2)         5:44.80   (1)         108.566   +0.100              
3     Voldemars Abols        B2    LAT   51.40     (4)         5:46.00   (3)         109.066   +0.600              
4     E Antens               n/a   LAT   51.80     (5)    PB   5:54.60   (4)    PB   110.900   +2.434              
5     Viktors Dombrovskis    A2    LAT   51.10     (2)         6:06.00   (5)         112.100   +3.634              
6     K Ciemajecis           n/a   LAT   54.00     (7)         6:07.70   (6)         115.283   +6.817              
7     J Jostins              n/a   LAT   52.80     (6)         6:20.60   (8)    SB   116.233   +7.767              
8     ? Zarums               A2    LAT   54.00     (7)         6:16.20   (7)    PB   116.699   +8.233              
9     J Iberals              A1    LAT   55.50     (9)         6:21.40   (9)    SB   119.066   +10.600             
10    A Ikselis              n/a   LAT   55.70     (10)        6:27.80   (10)        120.333   +11.867             
11    L Sipolins             A1    LAT   56.60     (12)   SB   6:40.60   (11)   PB   123.366   +14.900             
12    ? Murnieks             A2    LAT   56.50     (11)   PB   6:47.00   (12)   PB   124.333   +15.867             
13    E Stipnieks            n/a   LAT   58.30     (13)   PB   7:02.60   (14)   PB   128.733   +20.267             
14    ? Alsbergs             n/a   LAT   59.80     (15)   PB   7:18.90   (15)   PB   132.949   +24.483             
15    ? Spalis               n/a   LAT   1:06.70   (17)   PB   6:50.00   (13)   PB   135.033   +26.567             
16    ? Goldblats            n/a   LAT   1:04.50   (16)   PB   7:38.30   (16)   PB   140.883   +32.417             
17    Al Ronis               n/a   LAT   59.50     (14)        -                     59.500                        

Allround (Women), 10.03.1940

POS   NAME                         AG   NAT   500M                 1500M                POINTS    DIFF   RECORDS   
1     Erna Vite                    A1   LAT   1:05.60   (1)   PB   4:00.10   (1)   PB   145.633                    
      Ilze Aleksejeva-Ritenberga   B2   LAT   -                    -                    -                          

Latvia - Junior Allround Championships 1940
ASK (RDKA - Dinamo- RVR) Stadion (LAT)

NAME                   AG    500M             3000M            
Voldemars Abols        B2    51.40     (4)    5:46.00   (3)    
Viktors Dombrovskis    A2    51.10     (2)    6:06.00   (5)    
Ferdinands Felsbergs   A2    50.90     (1)    5:45.40   (2)    
? Goldblats            n/a   1:04.50   (16)   7:38.30   (16)   
J Iberals              A1    55.50     (9)    6:21.40   (9)    
A Ikselis              n/a   55.70     (10)   6:27.80   (10)   
J Jostins              n/a   52.80     (6)    6:20.60   (8)    
Al Ronis               n/a   59.50     (14)                    
L Sipolins             A1    56.60     (12)   6:40.60   (11)   
? Spalis               n/a   1:06.70   (17)   6:50.00   (13)   
E Stipnieks            n/a   58.30     (13)   7:02.60   (14)   
Arnolds Krastins       A2    51.10     (2)    5:44.80   (1)    
K Ciemajecis           n/a   54.00     (7)    6:07.70   (6)    
? Zarums               A2    54.00     (7)    6:16.20   (7)    
? Murnieks             A2    56.50     (11)   6:47.00   (12)   
E Antens               n/a   51.80     (5)    5:54.60   (4)    
? Alsbergs             n/a   59.80     (15)   7:18.90   (15)   

NAME                         AG   500M            1500M           
Ilze Aleksejeva-Ritenberga   B2   DNF             DNF             
Erna Vite                    A1   1:05.60   (1)   4:00.10   (1)