Competition: Mongolian Sprint Championships 2006

Ulaanbaatar (MGL)
25. - 26.02.2006
  • 23 athletes from 1 nation
  • 9 women and 14 men
  • 4 distances (1000m (1. Race), 1000m (2. Race), 500m (1. Race), 500m (2. Race))
  • 92 races

Text view of the competition results

Mongolian Sprint Championships 2006
25. - 26.02.2006
Central Stadium (MGL)

Sprint Combination (Men), 25. - 26.02.2006

POS   NAME                     AG    NAT   500M 1. RACE               1000M 1. RACE               500M 2. RACE               1000M 2. RACE               POINTS    DIFF      RECORDS   
1     Rentsendorj Baasandorj   Neo   MGL   41.86          (1)         1:24.43         (1)         41.05          (1)         1:22.72         (1)    SB   166.485             PB        
2     Oyundorj Enkhbold        Neo   MGL   42.20          (2)         1:25.24         (2)    PB   41.99          (2)         1:25.86         (2)         169.740   +3.255    PB        
3     Ganbat Jargalanchuluun   A2    MGL   43.11          (4)         1:26.25         (3)    SB   42.49          (4)         1:28.38         (6)         172.915   +6.430    PB        
4     Luvsandorj Baasan        Neo   MGL   44.19          (7)         1:28.19         (4)         43.19          (5)         1:26.38         (3)    SB   174.665   +8.180    PB        
5     Davaanyam Tsjoggerel     Neo   MGL   43.22          (6)         1:29.07         (6)         43.42          (7)         1:27.61         (4)    PB   174.980   +8.495    PB        
6     Galbaatar Uuganbaatar    B2    MGL   43.18          (5)         1:28.89         (5)         43.29          (6)         1:28.19         (5)    SB   175.010   +8.525    SB        
7     Ganbat Munkh-Amidral     B1    MGL   44.66          (8)         1:30.75         (8)         44.46          (9)         1:29.88         (7)    SB   179.435   +12.950   SB        
8     Enkhtuv. Byambatsogt     A1    MGL   42.29          (3)         1:29.42         (7)    PB   42.09          (3)    PB   1:43.41         (13)        180.795   +14.310   PB        
9     Batsuuri Bazarsad        B1    MGL   50.45          (14)        1:30.81         (9)         43.47          (8)         1:30.24         (8)    SB   184.445   +17.960   SB        
10    Sainbileg Altangerel     B2    MGL   45.20          (10)        1:36.12         (10)   PB   45.91          (11)        1:36.96         (11)        187.650   +21.165   PB        
11    T Ganbat                 A2    MGL   44.90          (9)         1:45.34         (13)        44.55          (10)        1:33.03         (9)    PB   188.635   +22.150   PB        
12    Gantumur Munkhdorj       C2    MGL   47.12          (11)        1:37.03         (11)        46.44          (12)        1:37.96         (12)        191.055   +24.570   SB        
13    Galbaatar Bilguutei      B1    MGL   47.44          (12)   SB   1:52.79         (14)        48.10          (13)        1:35.76         (10)   SB   199.815   +33.330   SB        
14    G Sodnom                 A1    MGL   50.12          (13)   PB   1:45.22         (12)   PB   50.79          (14)        1:49.48         (14)        208.260   +41.775   PB        

Sprint Combination (Women), 25. - 26.02.2006

POS   NAME                      AG    NAT   500M 1. RACE            1000M 1. RACE              500M 2. RACE              1000M 2. RACE            POINTS    DIFF        RECORDS   
1     Duuren Natsagnyam         Neo   MGL   48.59          (1)      1:38.81         (1)        48.54          (3)        1:40.20         (2)      196.635               PB        
2     Bat-Erdene Urgaatsetseg   A1    MGL   49.37          (3)      1:39.14         (2)        48.18          (2)        1:39.56         (1)      196.900   +0.265      PB        
3     Narangerel Odtsetseg      Neo   MGL   48.64          (2)      1:41.17         (3)        48.05          (1)        1:40.23         (3)      197.390   +0.755      PB        
4     Ganbold Gantuyaa          B1    MGL   52.62          (4)      1:50.28         (4)        51.24          (4)   SB   1:51.94         (4)      214.970   +18.335     PB        
5     Erdenesuren Oyuumaa       C1    MGL   53.52          (5)      1:55.16         (5)   SB   53.11          (5)        1:56.36         (6)      222.390   +25.755     PB        
6     Purevsuren Purevsuren     A1    MGL   54.34          (6)      1:56.90         (6)        54.30          (6)        1:55.51         (5)      224.845   +28.210     PB        
7     Bekhdorj Azjargal         C2    MGL   59.83          (7)      2:07.10         (7)        1:07.66        (9)        2:03.58         (7)      252.830   +56.195     PB        
8     D. Nyamdelger             C1    MGL   1:07.01        (9)      2:15.91         (9)        1:00.10        (7)        2:11.48         (8)      260.805   +1.04.170   PB        
9     Uuganbayar Ichinkhorol    D2    MGL   1:03.68        (8)      2:15.22         (8)        1:01.65        (8)        2:19.39         (9)      262.635   +1.06.000   NRJ       

Mongolian Sprint Championships 2006
25. - 26.02.2006
Central Stadium (MGL)

NAME                     AG    500M (1. RACE)          500M (2. RACE)          1000M (1. RACE)          1000M (2. RACE)          
Rentsendorj Baasandorj   Neo   41.86            (1)    41.05            (1)    1:24.43           (1)    1:22.72           (1)    
Ganbat Jargalanchuluun   A2    43.11            (4)    42.49            (4)    1:26.25           (3)    1:28.38           (6)    
Luvsandorj Baasan        Neo   44.19            (7)    43.19            (5)    1:28.19           (4)    1:26.38           (3)    
Galbaatar Uuganbaatar    B2    43.18            (5)    43.29            (6)    1:28.89           (5)    1:28.19           (5)    
T Ganbat                 A2    44.90            (9)    44.55            (10)   1:45.34           (13)   1:33.03           (9)    
G Sodnom                 A1    50.12            (13)   50.79            (14)   1:45.22           (12)   1:49.48           (14)   
Sainbileg Altangerel     B2    45.20            (10)   45.91            (11)   1:36.12           (10)   1:36.96           (11)   
Oyundorj Enkhbold        Neo   42.20            (2)    41.99            (2)    1:25.24           (2)    1:25.86           (2)    
Ganbat Munkh-Amidral     B1    44.66            (8)    44.46            (9)    1:30.75           (8)    1:29.88           (7)    
Batsuuri Bazarsad        B1    50.45            (14)   43.47            (8)    1:30.81           (9)    1:30.24           (8)    
Enkhtuv. Byambatsogt     A1    42.29            (3)    42.09            (3)    1:29.42           (7)    1:43.41           (13)   
Davaanyam Tsjoggerel     Neo   43.22            (6)    43.42            (7)    1:29.07           (6)    1:27.61           (4)    
Gantumur Munkhdorj       C2    47.12            (11)   46.44            (12)   1:37.03           (11)   1:37.96           (12)   
Galbaatar Bilguutei      B1    47.44            (12)   48.10            (13)   1:52.79           (14)   1:35.76           (10)   

NAME                      AG    500M (1. RACE)         500M (2. RACE)         1000M (1. RACE)         1000M (2. RACE)         
Duuren Natsagnyam         Neo   48.59            (1)   48.54            (3)   1:38.81           (1)   1:40.20           (2)   
Narangerel Odtsetseg      Neo   48.64            (2)   48.05            (1)   1:41.17           (3)   1:40.23           (3)   
D. Nyamdelger             C1    1:07.01          (9)   1:00.10          (7)   2:15.91           (9)   2:11.48           (8)   
Purevsuren Purevsuren     A1    54.34            (6)   54.30            (6)   1:56.90           (6)   1:55.51           (5)   
Bat-Erdene Urgaatsetseg   A1    49.37            (3)   48.18            (2)   1:39.14           (2)   1:39.56           (1)   
Ganbold Gantuyaa          B1    52.62            (4)   51.24            (4)   1:50.28           (4)   1:51.94           (4)   
Bekhdorj Azjargal         C2    59.83            (7)   1:07.66          (9)   2:07.10           (7)   2:03.58           (7)   
Erdenesuren Oyuumaa       C1    53.52            (5)   53.11            (5)   1:55.16           (5)   1:56.36           (6)   
Uuganbayar Ichinkhorol    D2    1:03.68          (8)   1:01.65          (8)   2:15.22           (8)   2:19.39           (9)