Competition: Tschechische Allround Championships 2004

Svratka (CZE)
04. - 05.02.2004
  • 6 athletes from 1 nation
  • 6 men
  • 4 distances (1500m, 3000m (1. Race), 3000m (2. Race), 500m)
  • 24 races

Text view of the competition results

Tschechische Allround Championships 2004
04. - 05.02.2004
Ledový ovál (CZE)

Combination (Men), 04. - 05.02.2004

POS   NAME               AG       NAT   500M                  3000M 1. RACE               1500M                3000M 2. RACE            POINTS    DIFF      RECORDS   
1     Miroslav Vtípil    Neo      CZE   40.70     (1)         4:24.86         (1)   TR    2:15.04   (1)        5:06.23         (1)      180.894                       
2     Ludek Sir          Senior   CZE   45.66     (2)   SB    5:06.25         (2)   PB    2:30.90   (2)   PB   5:55.54         (2)      206.257   +25.363             
3     Josef Cyprian      Senior   CZE   49.90     (3)         5:23.13         (3)   PB    2:41.70   (3)        5:55.68         (3)      216.935   +36.041             
4     Jaromir Jelinek    n/a      CZE   1:37.80   (5)   PB    10:05.78        (5)   PB    4:55.96   (4)   PB   -                        297.416                       
5     Pavel Rycl         Senior   CZE   56.51     (4)   PB    6:47.56         (4)   PB    -                    -                        124.436                       
6     Josef Meduna       M70      CZE   2:02.99   (6)   NRM   12:40.01        (6)   NRM   -                    -                        249.658                       

Tschechische Allround Championships 2004
04. - 05.02.2004
Ledový ovál (CZE)

NAME               AG       500M            1500M           3000M (1. RACE)         3000M (2. RACE)         
Miroslav Vtípil    Neo      40.70     (1)   2:15.04   (1)   4:24.86           (1)   5:06.23           (1)   
Ludek Sir          Senior   45.66     (2)   2:30.90   (2)   5:06.25           (2)   5:55.54           (2)   
Josef Cyprian      Senior   49.90     (3)   2:41.70   (3)   5:23.13           (3)   5:55.68           (3)   
Pavel Rycl         Senior   56.51     (4)                   6:47.56           (4)                           
Jaromir Jelinek    n/a      1:37.80   (5)   4:55.96   (4)   10:05.78          (5)                           
Josef Meduna       M70      2:02.99   (6)                   12:40.01          (6)