Competition: Wedstrijd

  • 5 athletes from 1 nation
  • 4 women and 1 man
  • 4 distances (1000m, 1500m, 5000m, 500m)
  • 15 races

Text view of the competition results

Kunstijsbaan Drenthe outdoor (NED)

Allround (Women), 03.03.1973

POS   NAME                     AG    NAT   500M             1000M                1500M              POINTS    DIFF   RECORDS   
1     Dineke de Vries-Jetten   Neo   NED   50.90   (1)      1:42.40   (1)        2:39.30   (1)      155.200                    
2     Zwaantje Westra-Kroeze   Neo   NED   -                1:47.70   (2)   PB   -                  53.850                     
3     Elly Hoiting             n/a   NED   -                1:48.30   (3)   PB   -                  54.150                     
4     Marieke van de Veen      n/a   NED   -                1:49.00   (4)   PB   -                  54.500                     

Allround (Men), 03.03.1973

POS   NAME                AG    NAT   500M             1500M              5000M              POINTS    DIFF   RECORDS   
1     Jan Hendrik Koops   M30   NED   45.10   (1)      2:16.50   (1)      8:19.90   (1)      140.590                    

Kunstijsbaan Drenthe outdoor (NED)

NAME                AG    500M          1500M           5000M           
Jan Hendrik Koops   M30   45.10   (1)   2:16.50   (1)   8:19.90   (1)   

NAME                     AG    500M          1000M           1500M           
Dineke de Vries-Jetten   Neo   50.90   (1)   1:42.40   (1)   2:39.30   (1)   
Elly Hoiting             n/a                 1:48.30   (3)                   
Zwaantje Westra-Kroeze   Neo                 1:47.70   (2)                   
Marieke van de Veen      n/a                 1:49.00   (4)