Athlete Data of Lars Haglund-McKie

Profile image of Lars Haglund-McKie
Current state:
Retired (M50)
Last competition:

Personal Bests:

DistancePersonal BestLocationEventDate
100 meter 10.90 Uppsala (SWE) Bergslagen Ranking Cup 07.03.1992
300 meter 30.90 Uppsala (SWE) Distriktsmästerskap Uppland Och Nationell 29.11.1987
500 meter 42.10 Hamar (NOR) Påskeløpet 1993 04.04.1993
700 meter 1:23.40 Sandviken (SWE) Högbo Bruk Sprint Cup 24.01.1987
1000 meter 1:26.90 Hamar (NOR) Påskeløpet 1993 03.04.1993
1500 meter 2:25.00 Hamar (NOR) Påskeløpet 1993 04.04.1993
3000 meter 5:26.03 Helsinki (Helsingfors) (FIN) Internationell 04.01.1992
Last Update: 22.01.2025

Established or current Recordholder:

TypeTime / PointsLocationCompetitionDate
100 meter 10.90 Uppsala (SWE) Bergslagen Ranking Cup 07.03.1992
Last Update: 22.01.2025
TypeTime / PointsLocationCompetitionDate
100 meter 10.90 Uppsala (SWE) Bergslagen Ranking Cup 07.03.1992
Last Update: 22.01.2025


Event1st Rank2st Rank3st RankTotalTop-10Starts
National Championships Juniors - 1 1 2 5 8
Country Match - - 1 1 4 4
Viking Race - - - - 1 2
Other International - 1 1 2 10 12
Other National 20 10 7 37 88 114
Last Update: 22.01.2025 (World Cup Podiums, Total and Top-10 are for Division-A, only)

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