Athlete Data of Rune Eidshaug

Profile image of Rune Eidshaug
Current state:
Retired (M50)
Last competition:

Personal Bests:

DistancePersonal BestLocationEventDate
100 meter 16.40 Trondheim (NOR) Klubbmesterskap Spk Falken 20.02.1979
300 meter 29.70 Trondheim (NOR) Internasjonalt 19.01.1985
500 meter 44.25 Trondheim (NOR) Kretsstevne 19.12.1987
700 meter 1:07.80 Trondheim (NOR) Internasjonalt 19.01.1985
1000 meter 1:33.49 Trondheim (NOR) Kretsløp 13.02.1988
1500 meter 2:21.16 Trondheim (NOR) Norwegian Junior Allround Championships 1988 06.03.1988
3000 meter 4:56.29 Oppdal (NOR) Poengløp 09.02.1988
5000 meter 8:38.63 Trondheim (NOR) Trøndersk Mesterskap 30.01.1988
Last Update: 25.01.2025

Established or current Recordholder:

TypeTime / PointsLocationCompetitionDate
100 meter 16.40 Trondheim (NOR) Klubbmesterskap Spk Falken 20.02.1979
Last Update: 25.01.2025
TypeTime / PointsLocationCompetitionDate
100 meter 16.40 Trondheim (NOR) Klubbmesterskap Spk Falken 20.02.1979
Last Update: 25.01.2025


Event1st Rank2st Rank3st RankTotalTop-10Starts
National Championships Juniors - - - - - 5
Other International 2 1 5 8 14 14
Other National 20 23 18 61 85 88
Last Update: 25.01.2025 (World Cup Podiums, Total and Top-10 are for Division-A, only)

Competition Ranking:

Select Season:

Competitons sorted by active Seasons:

Season: 1990 - 1991

PosDistanceTime / PointsCompetitionLocationDate
500 meter (Ungdom Tidligere Aktive)
46.40 Klubbmesterskap Spk Falken Trondheim (NOR) 04.03.1991
3000 meter (Menn Senior)
5:38.80 Klubbmesterskap Spk Falken Trondheim (NOR) 04.03.1991
Last Update: 25.01.2025
Select Category:

Competitions sorted by Relevance and Importance:

National Championships Juniors

PosDistanceTime / PointsCompetitionLocationDate
NC / 24 / 26 / 23
Small combination (Yj)
500m / 3000m / 1500m / 5000m
142.436 Norwegian Junior Allround Championships 1988 Trondheim (NOR) 05. - 06.03.1988
31 / NC / 17
mix3 (15)
500m / 3000m / 1000m
- Norwegian Youth Championships 1987 Trondheim (NOR) 21. - 22.02.1987
22 / 16
mini2 (14)
500m / 1500m
98.984 Norwegian Youth Championships 1986 Horten (NOR) 22.02.1986
500 meter (12)
51.90 Norwegian Youth Championships 1984 Hundorp (NOR) 25.02.1984
500 meter (11)
53.60 Norwegian Youth Championships 1983 Hønefoss (NOR) 19.02.1983
Last Update: 25.01.2025